Arnold Palmer The Man Beyond The Golf Course

To most, Arnold Palmer is best known as the legendary golfer who dominated the golf course for many years. To others, he is a successful business executive, sportsman, aviator and spokesman. To his family, he is a dedicated and devoted man with a loving heart. Above all, it is his personality and down-to-earth demeanor that has made him one of the most popular and accessible notables in history.
Arnold Palmer’s golfing success came about in a way that few others will ever experience themselves. During the 1960s, he was named as ‘Athlete of the Decade’ by the Associated Press. After racking up 92 championships in professional competition, 62 of which were won on the U.S. PGA Tour, Arnold Palmer quickly became a household name.
During his time away from the tee, Arnold Palmer developed a keen business sense and developed a variety of interests in various fields. Among them, Arnold Palmer Enterprises, which is a multi-division structure that handles his commercial business. In addition, Palmer has become involved in automobile and aviation service firms and remains the principal owner of a car dealership in his hometown of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Since 1971, Palmer has been the sole owner and president of Latrobe Country Club.
Although his love for other business ventures occupies much of his time, Arnold Palmer signed on as a consultant to The Golf Channel, which first aired on cable networks in January 1995. Over the course of more than 40 years, this golfing great has given his approval on more than 200 new courses throughout the United States and the world. His business ventures and golfing participation keeps Palmer busy and on the move for most of the year. Luckily, he is a skilled aviator and often mans the controls himself onboard his Cessna Citation X jet aircraft, which he commonly uses for travel. After having dedicated so much to the world of aviation and his local community, the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport was named in his honor.
Speaking of contributions, Arnold Palmer has given much to the sport of golf and it’s fans. In turn, the sport has given back. In 2004, Palmer received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from George W. Bush during a White House ceremony. In addition, he is a charter member of the World Golf Hall of Fame and a member of the American Golf Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the PGA Hall of Fame, which is headquartered in the sunshine state of Florida.
During the 1980s, Palmer played a significant part in the fundraising activities that led to the creation of the Orlando-based Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Women. Today, Palmer divides his time between Pennsylvania, which he primarily enjoys during the warmer seasons, and California. For fans, Arnold Palmer is one of the most gracious sports figures in history. A willing autograph signer and a kind-hearted gentleman who always has the time to shake hands or pose for a photo, Arnold Palmer is a fan favorite both on and off the golf course.